Epsilon Sigma Chapter initiated eight new Knights into the Legion of Honor this past Friday, December 1. The new Knights are as follows: Dale Baker (ES 1070); Luke Branim (ES 1076), Erik Davis (ES 1077), Brendan Finley (ES 1078), John Freeman (ES 1079), Kevin McAlpine (ES 1080), Stephen Noble (ES 1081), and Alex McWhirter (ES 1082). Congratulations for a job well done!
Archives for December 2006
White Rose Formal 2006
On Saturday, December 2, 2006, Sigma Nu held its annual White Rose Formal. The formal dance took place at It’s My Time Café, located on Madison Avenue.
Chapter Elects 2007 Officers
The Brothers of Sigma Nu elect Joe Doyle (ES 1061) as their Commander for 2007. On Mon, Dec 4th, Doyle along with thirteen other newly elected officers were sworn to uphold chapter and national bylaws under authority of a charter granted by National Headquarters as prescribed by The Law of Sigma Nu.