The Chapter will hold its 1st Annual Brotherhood Fish Fry celebration on Saturday, April 21, 2007. The day’s festivities will include a welcome address by Commander Joe Doyle (ES1061), individual House tours by members of the Chapter, a banquet lunch, and a special Chapter Ritual portion for all Active and Alumni Brothers. Please join us for this exciting occasion!
Archives for February 2007
Chapter Repairs Vintage Display Case
The Chapter recently voted to complete several House improvement projects over the Spring 2007 Semester. The first project to be completed by the Chapter is the restoration of the display case once located in the foyer of the House. Check out the Chapter’s progress during the restoration process!
Valentines Formal 2007
On Saturday, February 10, 2007, Sigma Nu held its annual Valentines Formal. The formal dance took place at It’s My Time Café, located on Madison Avenue.