The Chapter officially began the first phase of its plans for re-landscaping the Sigma Nu Fraternity House on Wednesday, March 28, 2007. Rhodes College Physical Plant workers arrived at the house promptly at 8:00 a.m. with chainsaws, stump grinders, and a large dump truck to remove the overgrown bushes surrounding the house.
Archives for March 2007
Chapter Competes in AOII Strike-Out Philanthropy
On Saturday, March 24, 2007, Sigma Nu competed along with numerous other student organizations in Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority’s annual Strike-Out Arthritis Softball Tournament. Funds raised by the competition were donated to the Tennessee Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation.
Branim Wins Mr. Shamrock Philanthropy Contest
Luke Branim (ES 1076), representing Sigma Nu, defeated nine other fraternity and sorority delegates with his “contortionist act” last night at the annual Mr. Shamrock Philanthropy Contest hosted by Kappa Delta Sorority. Funds raised by the competition were donated to the Neruofibromatosis Association.
Spring 2007 Newsletter Published
The Spring 2007 Semester Chapter Report was mailed by the Chapter to all alumni with accurate addresses on file with the Rhodes College Alumni Relations Office. In addition to an update on the Chapter’s progress, the report contains supplementary letters from Bud Richey (HZ 169, A 260), Rhodes College Associate Vice President and Director of Alumni Relations, Jamie Augustine (ES 801), a member of the Rhodes College Board of Trustees, and Tim Gibson (HS 358), Rhodes College Assistant Director of Admissions and Faculty Advisor of the Epsilon Sigma Chapter.
Sigma Nu Brothers Volunteer in Special Hearts Ball
The Special Hearts Ball is a free dance party for teens and young adults with disabilities in the Memphis community. On Saturday, March 3, 2007, Chapter members volunteered to help Rachel Goodwin, Kinney Coordinator for the Senior Services and Independent Living Service Area, with decorations and logistics for the Arabian Nights-themed dance later that night.