Meet and get to know some of our alumni living and working around Memphis hosted by the parents of our recruitment chairman, Matt Jehl. Food and transportation will be provided. Please contact Matt if you are interested. Wear smart casual attire.
Meet outside Frazier-Jelke in the amphitheater to accept your bid! Spend the day celebrating with your new Brothers! Wear casual attire.
This is a LEAD Session with Professor Grady. This is mandatory for Brian Tchang and Rikeen Patel's pledge classes unless otherwise excused by Rikeen, Ian, or Andrew. Dress code for this event is non athletic. Speaking during or disrupting the session will result in a $20 fine.
Meet at the house at 6:50 to support Kurt and Nuzzy. The price is $2 with Rhodes ID. Wear your jerseys or dress fratty. Curtain drops at 7:30.
Come support Dan and Tait as they race many Division I teams. (Don't forget that track girls are pretty cute.)
This is a LEAD Session with President Trout. Collared shirts and slacks required. Please arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of time. MANDATORY for ALL brothers.
Kondwani has brought in the former CEO of NPR to speak through his new organization Students 4 Children's Radio Foundation.